

He looked around, surrounded by his friend as they enjoyed the view. Today was a good day, he could feel it. The day he’d been waiting for, pushing for. He’d just have to wiggle a bit more and it would be his turn, his turn to explore the beautiful world that had laid before him since he was born. He looked at his friends, some were large r , some were smaller but it didn’t matter. They would explore the world together! Even Larry at the end who’d looked a bit sick lately. He readied his voice and gave the command and they began pushing and shoving. Before they knew it, it had happened. They were free, the adventure had begun and they were now rushing towards new and unknown territories. Places they had only seen from afar, creatures they’d only heard fairytales of and a new home amongst new and exciting friends. The landing had been quite rough but they had managed. Larry had gotten separated from them but not to worry, he would probably catch up later once he’d recovered. Their next


“All the same feeling of fear and threat started running throughout my body as I saw him straight after five years. It’s been more than five years I had seen him and had somehow moved on from it. I left that place immediately.” “ It all started when I was just 12, unaware of anything I was going his home to play with his newly born son and he started playing with me. I used to accept chocolates and many more things given by him as he was just another uncle from my neighbourhood. ” “ One day I went  to  his house along with my friend to play there, got to know that Aunty and the baby had left for their maternal home. He was all alone in his house. He convinced both of us to enter his house, watch TV and play. We were watching TV when he sent my friend to buy some sweets from outside. I was all alone in the Hall and suddenly he came out of his room completely NAKED. I got completely frightened   and wanted to run away to my home, but the door was locked. He grabbed me and started touchin


  The fog surrounding me and my two best friends was thick, the air muggy and all sense of the world gone. As we walked on further into the woods it was difficult to know both where we were going and when we would get there. Fear was pounding at my heart, but there was no going back. I had to keep going. Me and my two best friends Emily and Mikaela, pushed forward struggling to breathe as we went. The track seemed to be endless. There was no where to go. We were lost in the middle of a dark black forest with no food no water, shelter, water or heat. That was when we started to panic. My breath started to stager. It was too hard to keep going. My knees went weak and gave way. It felt as though I was falling. Falling through a deep dark tunnel. I had fainted. I woke up shortly after with Emily slapping my face painfully and shacking me. A look of concern crossed with fear was upon Mikaela’s face. I tried to sit up but the pain in my stomach was unbearable. Finally I was able to sit up ag


Th e  causes of World War I   remain controversial.   World War I   began in the   Balkans   on July 28, 1914 and   ended on November 11, 1918 , leaving   17 million dead and 20 million wounded . European diplomatic alignments shortly before the war. The Ottomans joined with Germany shortly after the war started. Italy remained neutral in 1914 and joined the Entente in 1915. Map of the world with the participants in World War I in 1917. The Allies are in green, the Central Powers are in orange, and the neutral countries are in grey. Scholars looking at the long term seek to explain why two rival sets of powers (the German Empire and Austria-Hungary against the Russian Empire, France, the British Empire and later the United States) came into conflict by 1914. They look at such factors as political, territorial and economic competition,  militarism , a complex web of alliances and alignments,  imperialism , the growth of  nationalism , and the power vacuum created by the  decline of the


  T HE  Professor received a telegram from the Lyalikovs' factory; he was asked to come as quickly as possible. The daughter of some Madame Lyalikov, apparently the owner of the factory, was ill, and that was all that one could make out of the long, incoherent telegram. And the Professor did not go himself, but sent instead his assistant, Korolyov. It was two stations from Moscow, and there was a drive of three miles from the station. A carriage with three horses had been sent to the station to meet Korolyov; the coachman wore a hat with a peacock's feather on it, and answered every question in a loud voice like a soldier: "No, sir!" "Certainly, sir!" It was Saturday evening; the sun was setting, the workpeople were coming in crowds from the factory to the station, and they bowed to the carriage in which Korolyov was driving. And he was charmed with the evening, the farmhouses and villas on the road, and the birch-trees, and the quiet atmosphere all around,


  THE LADY WITH THE DOG I I T  was said that a new person had appeared on the sea-front: a lady with a little dog. Dmitri Dmitritch Gurov, who had by then been a fortnight at Yalta, and so was fairly at home there, had begun to take an interest in new arrivals. Sitting in Verney's pavilion, he saw, walking on the sea-front, a fair-haired young lady of medium height, wearing a  béret ; a white Pomeranian dog was running behind her. And afterwards he met her in the public gardens and in the square several times a day. She was walking alone, always wearing the same  béret , and always with the same white dog; no one knew who she was, and every one called her simply "the lady with the dog." "If she is here alone without a husband or friends, it wouldn't be amiss to make her acquaintance," Gurov reflected. He was under forty, but he had a daughter already twelve years old, and two sons at school. He had been married young, when he was a student in his second year