I was siting on a three-legged stool watching a 🎬 movie

when suddenly my father appeared.I was not expecting he would come back so early.A cold shrill ran down my spine and I was now trembling like a chameleon on a feeble twig.To be honest I really feared πŸ˜¨πŸ˜¨πŸ˜¨πŸ€‘πŸ˜’ my father.

"Get out of my house !!I am tired of feeding a lazy bone"These were my father's words that left me stuck like a statue.I pinched myself on my cheek to confirm whether I was dreaming but  I was not asleep.I looked at my mother to see if she could atleast advocate for me but she instead looked aside.I wondered what had made him so upset.Or was it because I was watching a video while I was supposed to be in the shamba digging ??

Sensing that my father's eyes were still on me, i lost grip of the glass in my hand ..Unluckly it fell and broke into pieces..

I saw my father rush in his bedroom and came out with a whip ..The same whip which I used to discipline our donkeys whenever they tried to resist my command. I did not wait to see what would happen next, , I quickly set off like a fellow who have seen a ghost.I knew my father meant no joke, inshort, , he is like:Seriou minus jokes.I do remember oneday he gave me a hack off that could leave an elephant moarning in pain just because I spilled one litre milk.

*Where will I go?How will I survive?*These were the kind of questions running through my mind. I decided to take a rest under a big Mugumo tree.I was really desparate such that I wished ground could break and swallow me alive.After siting there for about 2 hours, I saw a car approaching me.I quickly stood up and started doing warm-ups.I know you might be wondering why.It was like preparing myself just incase they were kidnappers..Suddenly the car came to a hault and out of it alighted a big fat lady.I was atleast relieved since I knew ladies rarely kidnap a person.

A big fat lady alighted from the car and surprisingly she was coming in my direction.The more she approached me, the more the fear got.
"Hello young man, it seems as if you are homeless,is it so?"Her words were that kind.After thinking πŸ€”for a second, I decided to give " Yes" as my answer because I thought she was going to give me some cash.But here was her reply, "I am sorry for that.Will you come with me in my house and I will be always there for you."

I actually did not know how to respond to that scenario.How can a normal person invite a stranger?Or was it a set-up?On remembering my father's words, I quickly accepted the invite.When the deal is too good, accept it before the time gets up.

Alright!My journey to unknown destination started.I could see she was somehow jovial by the way she asked me questions.That is when I also remembered my CRE teacher narrating the story of, "The good samaritan".

I was shocked beyond words when I saw her drive into a very gigantic mansion🏒🏒.It was like that of Billgates.To make it brief, I was now in the siting room enjoying a very πŸͺ sweet meal which I had no idea of it, but as long she was also eating, and so do I.

The meal was over and I was enjoying the cold fanta.Ooops, I forgot to tell you her name!She is miss Christine.

"I'm coming right now,"That was all she said before going to a certain room which I guessed it was her bedroom.True to her say, she never delayed.She came back wearing a night dress.Not only that, but also she sat very close to me.To be honest, I loved that.

All over suddenly, we heard a knock at the door.Looking at her eyes I could see fear in her eyes.This made me more frightened.Before she could stand up to open the door, a muscular man entered.When he saw me his mood changed immeaditely.This was the real definition of confussion."Who is this little fellow"The stange man thundered."You told me you will come after 5 months, isn't?"The woman replied.But her reply was not according to the man's question.

The man walked past me and went to a small room which I learnt later it was a store.He came back holding a pliers.

"You are the kind of people who *fu....*other men's wives when they are not around.Today am gonna teach you a lesson!!!Period!!!"

Before I could say anything,I was given a punch similar to that of Roman Reigns.I found myself lying to the ground.The woman had already left and locked herself on her room.OMG, he was now pulling off my trouser.I screamed to the top of my voice.Am sure my screams could have awaken the dead.

He forcefully placed the pliers on my testicles.I led out another bigger scream untill I woke up still screaming.

And lo, , it was only a dream.I was sweating all over.I was atleast relieved when I saw it was only a dream.. 
Have a nyc day.Goodbye✋✋

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